Past Events
Unsettling Settler-Colonial Education, with Dr. Cornel Pewewardy
Dr. Cornel Pewewardy (Comanche-Kiowa) spoke during the 2023 KU Indigenous Cultures Festival. His lecture about the Transformational Indigenous Praxis Model is now available.
Community Learning & Practice
Community Learning & Practice: Native Ways of Thinking, Knowing, Being - a student-led virtual panel event to learn about diversity amongst Native students at KU.
2021 Native American Heritage Month
Liberating Sovereign Potential in Indigenous Education: Building Capacity and Confronting Colonial Entanglements lecture by lecture Alex Red Corn (Ed.D) is a citizen of the Osage Nation, introduces tribal sovereignty, explains the need to engage in the complexity of Indigenous relationships with education while introducing the liberating sovereign protentional model.
2021 Indigenous Peoples’ Day Lecture
Lecture and Q&A: Cultural Competency, Decolonization, & Indigenous Knowledge Systems with Guest Lecturer Dr. Joshuaa Allison-Burbank, PhD, CCC-SLP (Diné and Acoma Pueblo) an Assistant Scientist from Johns Hopkins Center for American Indian Health